Writing Off Script

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you like great writers. And I’m guessing you probably like cinema, too. If so, there’s good news! Writing Off Script: Writers on the Influence of Cinema is an ebook that combines these two things perfectly. Edited by Cynthia Hawkins, this book includes some top-notch contributions from these folks: Robin Antalek (The Summer We Fell Apart), Matthew Baldwin (of The Nervous Breakdown), Sean Beaudoin (You Killed Wesley Payne), Ernessa T. Carter (32 Candles), Richard Cox (Thomas World), Elizabeth Eslami (Bone Worship), actor/screenwriter/author D. R. Haney (Banned for Life), film composer and The Dewey Decimal System author Nathan Larson, independent documentary filmmaker Vernon Lott (Bad Writing), Nathaniel Missildine (nathanielmissildine.com), Greg Olear (Fathermucker), Neal Pollack (Stretch), Claude Clayton Smith (The Stratford Devil), and interviews with David Small (Stitches), Patrick DeWitt (The Sisters Brothers), Teddy Wayne (Kapitoil), and publisher Simon Smithson.

Pretty great, right? And this will make it even better: The proceeds from Writing Off Script go to JET-14, Joplin High School’s student-run and television network in Joplin, Missouri. This is, of course, the town that suffered incredible devastation at the hands of a tornado one year ago today.

Jet-14 is helping the children of Joplin High School to put that terrible incident behind them, and buying a copy of Writing Off Script is a great way for you to contribute—especially today, on the one-year anniversary. They can still use a helping hand, and you can use a great book of film writing.

The book is available on Amazon. Its trailer is below:


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