Security Deposit

Sarah Banse Mario, the landlord, a short thick man with a heavy Italian accent, rehabbed the apartment before we moved in. The wood floors gleamed with varnish. We felt blessed to find an apartment on the 304 bus line, that would expedite my new husband’s commute. The second bedroom provided…

One of the Guys

Nicole Walker There’s a line in Jenny Lewis’s song Just One of the Guys that goes something like “No matter how hard I try to be just one of the guys/ but when I look at myself all I can see I’m just another lady without a baby” which may…


Epiphany Ferrell It was a clear night, moon distant, not quiet, too many spring peepers and crickets for that, and Elena and David sat side by side on Adirondack chairs with a wine bottle between them, empty, and another half gone, Elena wondering to herself if it would be better…