My Houseplant is Dying

EJ Green And I don’t know what to do so I give it water, but the water overflows into the little dish and out onto the floor, forming a trail into a rut in the wood I didn’t see before that leads to a hole in the wall that I…

IF MY BOOK: Stone Creek, Kate Brandes

Welcome to another installment of If My Book, the Monkeybicycle feature in which authors compare their recently released books to weird things. This week Kate Brandes writes about Stone Creek, her new novel forthcoming from Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing. If Stone Creek were a heavy metal song it would be Ride the Lightning performed live…

Nonprofit Industrial Complex

Elizabeth Cabrera Helen messages me at 9 a.m. asking if I “have a few minutes to chat” the next day—anytime, she’s flexible—and she sends it in the breeziest of manners, but Helen is my supervisor and sending a message like that, without a meeting agenda, without context, and making me…