An Affair of Character

Mark Rosenblum

Mark Rosenblum

Her rage is deafening. A silence so loud he perceives only the letters comprising her rant. Words cast from her trembling lips encompass a ballistic scatter of consonants and vowels. Letters spin toward him, projectiles in Arial Black. A volley of smooth curves and harsh straight lines strike him. The L in LIAR nicks his cheek and draws blood. The C in CHEATER twirls toward his neck–barely missing his jugular only through quick reflexes honed over time. His name, once spoken tenderly in Lucida Handwriting when they made love or in Comic Sans when he made her laugh, is spit out with vile between heavy sobs in Impact font. Thick stroked and tightly spaced letters slam him in rapid succession; burying him under the weight of typeface.


Mark Rosenblum–a New York native who now lives in Southern California–misses the taste of real pizza and good deli food. His work has been featured in Tiferet, Boston Literary Magazine, Everyday Fiction, Flashes in the Dark, Six Sentences, Nailpolish Stories, Yellow Mama, Six Minute Magazine, Short, Fast & Deadly Sleet Magazine and upcoming in Apocrypha and Abstractions. He has also appeared in the anthologies: It All Changed in an Instant, Thinking Ten—A Writer’s Playground, The Best of Eclectic Flash 2010, Pure Slush Volume I, Daily Flash 2012, Six Words about Work and Six-Word Memoirs on Jewish Life.


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